Remove facade paint quicker and more efficiently – save yourself time
Removing paint in a fast and easy manner will allow you to avoid lots of future problems. You can enjoy your summers for 10-15 years without having to worry about your facade. With the right assessment, method and planning, this is possible. The Speedheater IR System Standard with the Speedheater Arm Classic will help you to remove paint yourself in an effective, easy and safe way. You will save time, energy and money. The Speedheater IR System works through the paint all the way down to the wood surface at the first treatment. While you scrape off the paint, the machine works the next surface, using the practical arm that will allow you to more than double your work speed.
Speedheater IR System
Speedheater IR System
Scrapers & Blades
Scrapers & Blades
Scrapers & Blades
Handsfree & Accessories